For Peace and Justice.
The next ecumenical ‘Siren Prayer’ Gathering will be hosted by the
‘Justice and Peace Commission’ of the Catholic Church of Luxembourg.
Monday 3 March 2025 at 12:00
in the Chapel of the Grand Séminaire de Luxembourg
Centre Jean XXIII (plan d’accès) 52, rue Jules Wilhelm; L-2728 Luxembourg
Those who want to have lunch there (€25), can email to until the Friday before
All éischte Méindeg am Mount, um 12.00 Auer – wann Der de Sireenentest héiert, – biet Der, wou och ëmmer Der sidd, fir Fridden a Gerechtegkeet, wou och ëmmer se néideg sinn.
Dëst ass eng Initiativ vu Chrëschten aus ville verschiddene Kiirchen an Organisatiounen.
First Monday of every month at 12:00 – when you hear the siren test, please pray for peace and justice wherever you are and wherever it is needed
An initiative of local Christians from many different churches and organisations
Follow us on Facebook – Siren Prayer Luxembourg